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Intelligent hardware devoted to safety!

EC2E (Electro Câblage Engineering et Equipement) is a company specialising in the design, production, marketing and maintenance of electronic control and coordination systems for handling equipment.

Based in the suburbs of Paris in L'Isle Adam (95), it is the French market leader in the field of the access control and safety limiters for handling equipment. It has extended its business to include electronic engine brakes which automatically limit the speed of this equipment (in high risk areas, when there are pedestrians crossing, approaching docks, etc.) and to remote management, through GPRS technology, of the corresponding fleets. It also supplies payment stations (bank note reading machines, change machines) for laundromats.

Its products, with constant innovation on the cutting edge of technology, are incorporated into forklift trucks, airport runway carts, operating machinery or machine tools. Its business is mainly with corporate industrial customers  (Air France, Renault,...) and other equipment manufacturers.




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