Best wishes for 2025!
MtC (Maintenance, Travaux et Câblage), a company formed from the merger of CEPA and OTN was created on January 1st, 2022.
MtC is specialised in electrical wiring and other services to large accounts.
MtC supplies a wide variety of industrial sectors including nuclear, defence, aeronautics, automotive, medical, transport and rail.
MtC and its subsidiaries ECI, EMC and TECHNICAM are major players in their markets, thanks to their advanced production facilities and industrialisation methods.
To know more about MtC.
CEPA was created in 1979, developing in various industrial markets such as defense, aeronautics, transportation and railway. It is today specialised in the assembly of electromechanical equipment in the form of harnesses, cabinets and cubicles.
OTN, founded in 1987, is specialized in services to nuclear, railway and energy distribution industries. It has developed important production capacity for electrical cubicles and cabinets for these demanding markets.
ICE Groupe raggruppa più di 20 società, è una rete di esperti in energia e industria, ingegneria tecnica e software, cablaggio elettrico, automatismo, controllo-comando e sistemi embedded. Il gruppo consegue un fatturato di più di 140 milioni di euro e impiega più di 1200 persone.
Opportunità professionali legate alle varie attività delle società del Gruppo.