Best wishes for 2025!
ISIT and EC2E exhibited at the SEPEM Industries tradeshow, Toulouse Parc Expo in Toulouse from 26 to 28 March 2019.
ISIT is a value-added distributor, specialising in tools for real-time and embedded systems. ISIT markets hardware and software tools, used in research departments and on production sites. With its wide range of solutions, ISIT caters to the growing economic sectors where embedded electronics play a major role: aeronautics/space, automotive/transport, the medical sector, industry, telecommunications and the Internet of Things.
EC2E (Electro Câblage Engineering et Equipement) is a company specialising in the design, production, marketing and maintenance of electronic control and coordination systems for handling equipment. French market leader in the field of the access control and safety limiters for handling equipment, EC2E has been working with all machine manufacturers, offering innovative products for over 40 years.
Opportunità professionali legate alle varie attività delle società del Gruppo.
ICE Groupe raggruppa più di 20 società, è una rete di esperti in energia e industria, ingegneria tecnica e software, cablaggio elettrico, automatismo, controllo-comando e sistemi embedded. Il gruppo consegue un fatturato di più di 140 milioni di euro e impiega più di 1200 persone.