Best wishes for 2025!
ICE Groupe expands and strengthens with the arrival of CLEARSY.
CLEARSY is a French company, whose core expertise is the design and production of certified safety systems and software.
CLEARSY is based in four design offices: Aix-en-Provence, Lyon, Paris, and Strasbourg.
CLEARSY is the leader in the use of the formal B method based on mathematical proof; it publishes the reference tool ATELIER B, used in particular by major industrial companies for the development of automated systems for trains and metros, with or without drivers.
CLEARSY operates in the railway, defence, transport, and energy sectors, for which it is EDF’s (Électricité de France) trusted technical third party for classified control systems.
ICE Groupe raggruppa più di 20 società, è una rete di esperti in energia e industria, ingegneria tecnica e software, cablaggio elettrico, automatismo, controllo-comando e sistemi embedded. Il gruppo consegue un fatturato di più di 140 milioni di euro e impiega più di 1200 persone.
Opportunità professionali legate alle varie attività delle società del Gruppo.